Join us!

We welcome innovative, enthusiastic scientists interested in joining our group! Dr. Choudoir values and celebrates all facets of identity (including but not limited to racialized identity, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, socioeconomic status, Veteran status, sexual orientation, and disability designation). Dr. Choudoir supports recruitment and professional development of trainees from all backgrounds, including individuals that identify with historically underserved groups.

All lab members contribute to a supportive and respectful research community that welcomes peoples of all backgrounds. Lab trainees create a structured individualized personal development and mentorship plan that promotes mentee career goals. All current and funded opportunities are listed below.

Current opportunities

We are not actively recruiting Masters or PhD graduate students for Fall 2025.

General Information

Graduate Students

All PhD graduate students must apply through the Microbiology or Plant Biology graduate program. I am unable to support Masters students at this time. Applications (no GRE scores) are due December 1 (MB) and January 15 (PB) for admission the following Fall. As opposed to direct admission, student typically rotate through multiple labs their first semester before selecting a permanent lab. I strongly encourage prospective students to email me in late Summer/early Fall well before the program deadline. Please include your CV (tips here and here), and a brief statement describing 1) How your previous experiences have prepared you for work in our lab, and 2) Why the Choudoir Lab is a good fit for you!

Dr. Choudoir enthusiastically support external fellowships, including the NSF GRFP and/or other programs and funding opportunities. ***Note, the MB and PB Graduate Program’s ability to support non-resident international students is limited due to added tuition expenses (see NC State resources for international students).***

Postdoctoral Researchers

We do not have any funded postdoctoral opportunities at the moment. Perspective postdocs interested in pursuing independent fellowships should email Dr. Choudoir to discuss potential projects. Funding opportunities include NSF PRFB, USDA AFRI NIFA, L’Oréal USA, and others.

Undergraduate students

Undergraduate research is a fantastic opportunity to build valuable skills supporting diverse future career goals. All undergraduate research positions are paid hourly, through work study, or for course credits (see here). Interested undergraduates should email Dr. Choudoir with a short statement describing your motivations and preparedness (i.e., coursework, previous lab or field experience) for working in the lab. Previous research experience is not required!