Mallory Choudoir, Group lead

Mallory Choudoir (she/her) is an Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist and a member of the Microbiomes and Complex Communities cluster. She is an avid coffee drinker, fermented food enthusiast, and sci-fi/horror fan. Check out her (mostly) current C.V.



Madaris serrano Perez, lab Technician

Madaris completed her bachelors in Wildlife Management at the University of Puerto Rico. She’s worked with monarchs in Virginia, plants and microbes in Michigan, and even manatees in Florida! She loves research and learning about anthropogenic effects on biodiversity.



Adam Breister, Graduate Student

Adam Breister is a Microbiology PhD student and a Genetics & Genomics Scholar.

Akieliah Robinson, undergraduate researcher

Akieliah is a Senior in Biological and Agricultural Engineering with a minor in bio-manufacturing. Her academic journey has been marked by a deep interest in the intersection of engineering and environmental science, with a particular focus on sustainable agriculture.



Are you a prospective undergraduate student, graduate student, or postdoc? Find current opportunities on the Join Us! page. We enthusiastically support collaborations for external fellowships.